Oh God you spend so much blue so that we cannot see you. - Odysseas Elytis, Nobel Prize in Literature (1979). The Blue in Nature presents tenderness to my soul....I feel the Blue Paradise of Divinity. No hurry, no worry....Me and the blue surface of peaceful water...I want to step beyond Blue to feel Infinity of Blue...Photo: .Lake Kerkini, Central Macedonia, Hellas.
Oh God you spend so much blue so that we cannot see you. - Odysseas Elytis, Nobel Prize in Literature (1979). The Blue in Nature presents tenderness to my soul....I feel the Blue Paradise of Divinity. No hurry, no worry....Me and the blue surface of peaceful water...I want to step beyond Blue to feel Infinity of Blue...Photo: .Lake Kerkini, Central Macedonia, Hellas.


Before these photo artistic projects I authored ten documentary photography projects. ''Can Memory Trigger a Genocide Prevention?'' is dedicated to three genocides - Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian, ''Peace and Photography'' reflects the personal experience in peacebuilding through visuals etc.

Why Hellas?


Impossible is not in Hellenic DNA. - Nina Lazaridou (1931-1996), my Greek Mother

© 2023 Marina Mchitarian-Lazaridou. All rights reserved.
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